Traffic Signal upgrades must better support Active Transportation
City Hall has announced they will be installing new traffic signals at three intersections, and upgrading a crosswalk at another. The three traffic signals will be installed at the intersections of McKee Rd & McKinley Dr, Bluejay St & Blueridge Dr, and Marshall Rd & Old Yale Rd. The intersection of McMillan Rd & Mila St will receive upgrades to the crosswalk, including Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFB).
As all three intersections receiving new traffic signals are on streets with existing bicycle lanes, these upgrades should incorporate designs that reflect modern best practices in regards to active transportation.
Over the past number of years the city has developed a new Official Community Plan, and Transportation & Transit Master Plan. These overarching documents set out the Vision, Goals, & Priorities that are meant to guide the city as it grows. These plans envision Abbotsford as a community where people not only have the option to walk, bike, and use public transit, but where these modes are safe, delightful, and truly enjoyable. In fact the documents state that pedestrians, cyclists, public transit, and goods and services movements be prioritized before that of private automobiles in the urban area.
Overall the initial designs presented by the city reflect little change in the way that active transportation is incorporated into transportation projects than before the city adopted it’s new official guiding plans. Only minor concerns exist for the McMillan and McKee intersections, the other two intersections however raise more serious concern.
Blujay & Blueridge is an intersection of two key bike routes within a dense urban area, and is a high volume intersection. The design must provide safe access for those walking and cycling. Meanwhile, the city proposed a Complete Streets project for Old Yale Rd from Whatcom to Eagle Mountain Dr in 2018. While we await the implementation of this project, the city has seemingly failed to incorporate it into the design of the intersection upgrade proposed for Marshall & Old Yale.
Source: BC Active Transportation Design Guide
McMillan & Mila
Incorporate curb extensions to reduce pedestrian crossing distance
McKee & McKinley
Apply green surface treatment in conflict zones of bike lane
No-Right-On-Red restriction for McKinley Dr (North)
Leading Pedestrian Interval, improves pedestrian safety
Bicycle Turn Boxes to facilitate left-hand turns by people on bikes
Bluejay & Blueridge
Source: BC Active Transportation Design Guide
As the Discovery Trail has now extended west to Townline Hill Park, install new bicycle lanes (approximately 90 meters) on Bluejay St north to the trail access, and a new curb access ramp to the trail
Leading Pedestrian Interval, improves pedestrian safety
Apply green surface treatment in conflict zones of bike lane
Install protected-intersection design elements to improve safety & access for pedestrians & people on bikes
Marshall & Old Yale
Due to the challenges the proposed upgrade would create to the implementation of the Old Yale Complete Streets project, Bike Abbotsford recommends that this intersection upgrade be delayed until such time as it can be incorporated into the delivery of the proposed Complete Streets Project
Get Involved
Please join Bike Abbotsford in calling for the city to fully embrace the Vision, Goals, & Priorities it has outlined within it’s guiding documents! Let’s incorporate modern best practices into these intersections & build the Old Yale Complete Street!
Let’s Talk Abby
Let’s Talk Abby is the cities Public Engagement Portal. Please sign up & leave a message asking them to fully embrace Active Transportation & incorporate the Old Yale Complete Streets project into the intersection upgrade at Marshall.
Click here to see this project on the Let’s Talk Abby Portal
Mayor & Council
Let the Mayor & Council know that you support the cities guiding documents & want them to make sure that these projects are aligned with the cities Vision, Goals, and Priorities!
Click here to write a letter to Mayor & Council