Vision Zero
“In every situation a person might fail, the road system should not. ”
Love 30
Love 30 is the metric equivalent of the 20 is plenty! campaign. Speed is one of the key factors in both the frequency and severity of road traffic crashes. In a collision with a vehicle travelling 30km/h pedestrians have a 90% chance of survival. At 50km/h their chance of survival drops to 15%. Please support 30km/h speed limits on our neighborhood roads and bikeways.
Vision Zero applies a safe systems approach to our road transport systems. It acknowledges that humans make errors, and aims to create a safe system that reduces the opportunities for those errors, and the severity if they result in a crash. Vision Zero aims for a road transport system that results in ZERO serious injuries or fatalities.
For More Information Please Visit:
Vision Zero Canada
Support Vision Zero in Abbotsford:
Write a letter to the mayor and council telling them not to accept serious injury & fatalities on our roads
Crash NOT Accident
Planes don’t have accidents. They crash. Cranes don’t have accidents. They collapse. And as a society, we expect answers and solutions.
Traffic crashes are fixable problems, caused by dangerous streets and unsafe drivers. They are not accidents. Let’s stop using the word "accident" today.